Letter of Welcome
The Kentucky Press Association is one of the nation’s oldest state press associations, tracking its roots to January 13, 1869, when a group of Kentucky newspaper men gathered in Frankfort with the thought of starting a state press association. It’s doubtful that they envisioned a time when their association could be communicating information about the Kentucky newspaper industry to a worldwide audience.
Our site is designed to give you easy access to information about Kentucky newspapers — personnel, mailing address, county, telephone number, FAX numbers, advertising rates, circulation, day(s) of publication, and page size.
The directory section under the members tab provides information about all daily, weekly, associate, and university members, including circulation, contact information, and personnel. You can also find information about the many services the Kentucky Press Association offers under the members tab, a listing of job opportunities in the Kentucky newspaper industry under the job bank tab, and under the legal resources tab you can find information on the Federal Freedom of Information Act as well as Kentucky’s Open Meetings and Open Records Law.
David T. Thompson
KPA will be its members’ source of excellence in the gathering, dissemination,
and the facilitation of news and information through multiple platforms.

The Kentucky Press Association will maintain a stable, secure, and solid financial operation to perpetuate the organization’s vision; uphold the highest ethical journalistic and business standards; collaborate with its members and other media to better understand the needs and interests of its consumers; be a leader in integrating and linking the internet and social web technology with its members and their consumers.; search out and promote new strategic partnerships for its members’ benefit; provide a platform for relevant training, exchange of ideas and resources; use a marketing plan to re-brand itself and members to the public; be its members’ voice to the Kentucky General Assembly.

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Kentucky Press Association
101 Consumer Lane
Frankfort, KY 40601
Phone: (502) 223-8821
Fax: (502) 226-3867